Socios Highlights2021-07-15T17:36:01+02:00

The news from RETE partners

“The geoeconomic, social and legal challenges of port cities”, first of the seminars “Reading the port-city complexity”

14 March 2022|Evidenzia in Home, Rete Highlights|

This afternoon we have started our cycle of seminars organized [...]

Coming soon the RETE seminar cycle “Reading port complexity. The challenges of port cities after the pandemic in a multi-scale perspective”.

10 March 2022|Evidenzia in Home, Rete Highlights|

March 14 marks the start of a series of online [...]

The35th RETE Meeting addresses from today in Delft, Holland, the great global challenges on the reorganization of port cities

7 December 2021|Evidenzia in Home, Rete Highlights|

Delft, Netherlands, December 2, 2021.-  The Delft University of Technology, one [...]

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