Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz (APBC) and Cajasol Foundation  will contribute to the IX International Congress of the Spanish Language, to be held in Cádiz from March 27 to 30, with an exhibition called “Maritime Alphabet”, which wants to show the contribution and link that port activity,  the Port and the sea have had in the connection with Ibero-America and in the cultural and linguistic exchange on both sides of the Atlantic.

In this way, the Sailor Alphabet will make a tour of words related to the sea and the port based on the alphabet. From A to Z,  visitors will be  able to approach the port’s role as a gateway from Spanish to America through a glossary of 27 terms that will be linked, at the same time, with texts by Spanish-speaking authors in which they mention these words and with photographs also alluding to words.

The choice of voices, texts and authors has been carried out by the professor of Language, Literature and Social Communication Josefina Junquera; the graphic has been designed by  graphic designer and photographer Miguel Ángel Castaño, who has also contributed the images that illustrate each panel, together with the photographer Óscar Cárdenas.

The exhibition will have a total of 30 panels, 27 for each letter of the alphabet and 3 for cover, colophon and credits, which will be attached to the fence of the “Ciudad dock” of Cádiz, as was done with other previous exhibitions. In fact, the Port Authority has reused for this project part of the material from the exhibition “The Ocean on the Horizon”, made for the commemoration of the Tercentenary of “Casa de Contratación” in 2017.