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RETE publishes issue number 46 of its digital magazine PORTUS, an essential tool for understanding port cities

RETE, an association fostering collaboration between ports and cities, [...]

President of Puertos del Estado highlights the importance of port-city integration in Spain’s port strategy

The relationship between ports and coastal or river cities, [...]

By |2023-11-07T13:41:25+01:007 November 2023|Evidenzia in Home, Partners Highlights|0 Comments

The President of RETE emphasizes the importance of valuing societal benefits in the integration of smart cities and ports

The President of RETE - International Association for Collaboration [...]

RETE publishes issue 45 of its digital magazine PORTUS, which serves as an international reference in the understanding of port cities

RETE, the Association for Collaboration between Ports and Cities, [...]

The Port Authority of Almeria will establish synergies on port-city integration within RETE

The Port Authority of Almeria has joined RETE, Association [...]

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