Antonio Sanz emphasized the significant milestone this project represents for Cádiz, the Bay, and the entire province, highlighting that “our approach and belief is that this project will revitalize the lives of the people of Cádiz, who will finally be able to enjoy their Port like never before.”
The Minister of the Presidency expressed gratitude for the efforts of the Ministry of Development and stressed that “the Regional Government is acting with maximum efficiency to complete the process as quickly as possible, considering the profound impact the social and economic integration of the Port with the city will have on Cádiz.”
The President of the Port Authority, Teófila Martínez, noted that “the integration projects that have served as examples to us all—such as those in Bilbao, Barcelona, Málaga—share two common characteristics: their longevity and the consensus, collaboration, cooperation, and coordination among administrations.” She underlined the importance of the protocol signed today.
Cádiz Mayor Bruno García sees the port-city integration as “an opportunity that must be seized. It’s an economic opportunity that will foster activities in hospitality, leisure, and commerce, resulting in job creation and wealth.” Additionally, he highlighted the project as “a social and urbanistic opportunity that will expand the historic center and open the port to the citizens.” Finally, he added that with this agreement, “the administrations are demonstrating their commitment to advancing this integration, which has yielded excellent results in other cities.”
Deputy Minister Mario Muñoz-Atanet recalled that the special plan promoted by the Port Authority and approved by the Ministry in October 2023 allows for new uses, facilities, amenities, open spaces, and other activities compatible with port operations on the esplanades of the Reina Sofía, Alfonso XIII, and Ciudad docks. Muñoz-Atanet emphasized that the signing of this protocol underscores the commitment of the three administrations—Regional Government, City Council, and Port Authority—to the ambitious port-city integration project in Cádiz. This project “will transform the port waterfront, open the port to the city, and introduce new uses for the enjoyment of all citizens.”
As stated in the document itself, the protocol “aims to lay the groundwork for promoting inter-administrative collaboration and defining formal channels of interaction” among the three administrations to establish an institutional framework for the integration of the port into the city of Cádiz.
Specifically, the protocol pertains to the area encompassing Astilleros Avenue, Plaza de Sevilla, and the Reina Victoria, Ciudad, Alfonso XIII, Reina Sofía docks, as well as Paseo Pascual Pery and Punta de San Felipe. As the President of the Port Authority pointed out, this area spans a surface of 335,000 square meters designed to host activities related to the port-city relationship.
Based on collaboration, coordination, and administrative cooperation, the document outlines the intention to establish specific mechanisms for collaboration in the development and adaptation of the necessary planning instruments for the project; in the definition and determination of projects to be funded by each party; and in the definition and responsibilities of the Port Authority regarding the tendering of works and the maintenance of spaces incorporated for public use, in agreement with the City Council.
Additionally, the protocol outlines the need and commitment of the Regional Government and City Council to drive administrative activities within their areas of competence.
The protocol also recognizes the public utility and social and economic interest of the initiative, identifying it as a key opportunity not only for the port but also for the urban transformation of Cádiz, extending its impact beyond the local scope.