The president of the Port Authority of Seville (APS), Rafael Carmona, and the director of the Puerto de Sevilla Chair and professor at the University of Seville (US), José Luis Galán, have held a multidisciplinary meeting with professors from the fields of Economics and Business, Biology, Engineering, Architecture, and Law at the US. The aim was to advance the definition of the new chair’s activity program by including various areas of knowledge related to the port environment.

During the meeting, the foundations were laid for the launch of the “Port Student Community,” aimed at linking US students and graduates with the Port of Seville. In this regard, visits to port facilities, projects, competitions, meetings, workshops, and conferences will be organized, focusing on logistics, industry, history, sustainability, and the socioeconomic impact of the Port on the city of Seville and its metropolitan area. Additionally, the creation of the “Port of Seville University Network” was proposed. This network will include both port companies and all research groups and professors developing projects for the APS, promoting new professional internship opportunities for students.

Chair Port-City
The Chair aims to encourage teaching, research, and knowledge transfer in areas related to the objectives of the Port of Seville, specifically addressing challenges and perspectives related to the planning, management, and administration of industrial and commercial activities linked to maritime or port traffic. These activities include supply chain management and distribution logistics, aiming to foster industrial development, train future professionals, and ensure responsible environmental management.

The upcoming 2024-2025 academic year will be the first year of full activity for the Chair, with a wide range of activities and projects being prepared for inclusion in the action plan to be presented in September. The Governing Commission of the Chair is composed of four members and a secretary. Representing the US are the Vice Chancellor of Knowledge Transfer, Manuel Felipe Rosa, professor José Luis Galán, and professor Julio Vecino, who serves as secretary. Representing the APS are its president, Rafael Carmona, and its director, Ángel Pulido.