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Delft University of Technology, the oldest technological university in the Netherlands, is organizing a new free online course under the title “(Re)Imagining Port Cities”, which will start on June 20.

This free and open online course is now available on the EdX platform at the following link:


Experts from the PortCityFutures team participate, with leading academics from Delft University of Technology, Erasmus University and Leiden University.

Port city regions are at the forefront of many pressing contemporary issues such as migration, climate change, digitization, etc. basic sociocultural conditions prevailing today.

In this course examples of port cities will be analyzed from a multidisciplinary and intercultural perspective. You will develop the skills to identify and address the challenges facing port cities now and in the future.

Participating, among other professors, are Carola Hein, director of PortCityFutures, research center of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus University Consortium and scientific director of RETE’s PORTUSplus magazine.

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