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On Tuesday 16 May 2023, at 18. 15, at the Accademy of the High Seas in Naples, a conference entitled “Governance and legal regime between land and sea” will be held, organised by the Research Institute on Innovation and Services for Development (CNR-Iriss), the Rotary Club of East Naples and the Rotaract Club District 2101 – Italy, the Academy of the High Seas and The International Propeller Clubs in collaboration with RETE – International Association for the Collaboration between Ports and Cities, the Friends of Molo San Vincenzo Association, the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, the National Association of Engineers and Architects – Campania, and ONTM – National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea.

Fourth and last meeting of the cycle dedicated to the sea in Naples, as a resource for the metropolitan and regional territory, the conference focuses on the critical issues of the legal and concessionary regime of the coastline, inside and outside port areas. After years of implementation delays, partly linked to objective specificities of the Italian legal and administrative system but partly fueled by monopolistic economic-productive sectors, the prescriptions imposed by the European Union have now become inescapable. Starting from the regulatory framework, in a perspective of subsidiarity that goes from the community level to the national level to the local level, the initiative is proposed as an in-depth examination of the critical issues and possible solutions to combine the different instances of European competition and protection of national interests.

The conference will be preceded – at 5.00 p.m. – by a guided tour of the Navy Base and the San Vincenzo Pier, the main offshore defense of the Port of Naples with great historical and cultural value. The initiative will be the occasion to present the project “Plassein: plastic recycling turns into art”, aimed at first grade school students of Naples to raise awareness on the use of plastic, environmental pollution, and recycling.



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