This afternoon we have started our cycle of seminars organized in collaboration with the Research Institute on Innovation and Services for Development of t of Italy (CNR IRISS) and the City of Livorno, both members of our association.

RETE Seminars Cycle

With the webinar “The geoeconomic, social and legal challenges of port cities” we have started a serie of 4 events, which will be held between March and June, with the aim of analyzing the current situation of Italian ports and the challenges of urban integration that port cities are called to face in the post-Covid context.

Massimo Clemente, Scientific Director of RETE; and  Bárbara Bonciani, Councillor for the Port-City Integration of Livorno have participated as moderators.

As rapporteurs, have contributed their opinion Olimpia Ferrara, Studi di Ricerche sul Mezzogiorno (SRM) Gruppo lntesa Sanpaolo; lvano Ruso, General Manager Confetra (Italian General Confederation of Transport and Logistics); Mario Sommariva, President of the East Ligurian Sea adSP y Stefano Soriani, Universltá Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, Italian Geographical Society.

The full webinar is available on our Youtube channel:

The second seminar will be held on April 20 in Naples with an in-depth study of global geoeconomic scenarios and local dynamics.