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Friday 12 March 2021, Roberto Converti, architect and Vice President of RETE Latin America, will participate in the webinar “Port expansion: towards 500 years of Valparaíso”.

The initiative consists of a discussion in webinar format, organised by Empresa Portuaria Valparaíso / EPV, together with the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and broadcast on the digital channels of the newspaper El Mercurio, which will be developed as an activity dedicated to strengthening the consensus between the community and EPV to improve the port-city relationship and achieve the necessary port expansion. The focus of the dialogue will place special emphasis on the natural conditions of the maritime territory for industrial evolution and thus the collaboration of Valparaiso in the competitiveness of the country’s foreign trade.

Registration by e-mail: valparaisodialoga@casadelapaz.cl

Video: https://fb.watch/8_zPSiJ2GQ/


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